Aged Care

Is Becoming an Aged Care Provider the Right Choice for You?

November 25, 2021

The demand for quality aged care in Australia is rapidly growing. As our population continues to age, professional and competent aged care providers will be required to meet the increasing need. The COVID-19 pandemic has also put a media spotlight on the aged care industry and its growing requirements. To help ensure quality care is available for our aging citizens, the Australian Government has created My Aged Care.

What is My Aged Care?

My Aged Care offers government-funded support to those eligible. For people to access support through My Aged Care they must complete a My Aged Care assessment process, which will determine what kind of supports and funding they’re able to receive.

With many aspects of aged care covered under My Aged Care, such as home care, respite care, short-term restorative care, support with transitioning and permanent residential care in a residential home, there is a wide range of support care required from providers.Care providers can become registered with My Aged Care for under three areas:

- home care,

- residential care;

- and flexible care.

This means that there are many skills and expertise that can fall under My Aged Care registration. This leads people to ask, how do I become an aged care provider and what do I need to do?

How to become an Aged Care provider

This growing demand has many care providers considering if they could start an aged care business in Australia. However, to operate and be eligible under My Aged Care you need to become an approved aged care provider. So how do you become an Aged Care service provider? To receive your registration you will need to complete an application process. This process can be complex, time-consuming and expensive.

Those wishing to become a registered Aged Care provider are required to navigate a lengthy review process and meet a very specific set of compliance, business and staffing requirements in order to be approved. To successfully complete the Aged Care registration process, you will need to clearly demonstrate your experience and comply with a strict set of protocols. For many applicants, they will not meet the extensive criteria, which is why it’s important to consider whether aged care registration is really right for you before you begin.

Not sure you are ready for Aged Care?

The highly regulated nature and complex registration process for Aged Care may not be suited to a lot of potential care providers right now, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a need for your skills, or that Aged Care registration isn’t in your future! If it’s where you want to be, then you may want to look at other schemes and programs that will build on your experience to strengthen your application for Aged Care registration, when that time comes. Becoming a registered provider under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) may be a good next step.

The NDIS offers funding for a wide-range supports and services to eligible people with a disability. Registered NDIS providers can offer assistance with daily tasks, transport, health and wellbeing, social participation, home modifications, employment and lots more. NDIS providers give vital support to those with disabilities to live a better life.

To become an NDIS registered provider and provide supports to those eligible for funding, you will need to complete and lodge an application with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. You will also be required to undertake an audit against the NDIS Practice Standards. NDIS participants over 65 can continue with their NDIS funding with approval, rather than moving to My Aged Care, so it’s something to consider even with more senior people in your care.

PROVIDERplus are the experts when it comes to the NDIS and we have successfully helped thousands of providers with their NDIS registration applications. If you would like to discover if becoming an NDIS provider is right for you, call us today on 1300 852 790 to find out more.

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