NDIS Guides

Becoming an Approved NDIS Cleaner: Everything You Need to Know

June 21, 2022

Working to enrich the lives of people with a disability can be an extremely rewarding career. One of the most popular jobs supporting people with disability is helping them clean their dwellings and spaces.

Unfortunately, becoming an NDIS approved cleaner is not a straightforward process. If you have a cleaning business, you will need to register your business with the NDIS Commission to become a registered NDIS provider. If you are an individual and you wish to become an NDIS cleaner, will need to seek employment with an NDIS approved business and need to meet their recruitment criteria as well as undergo specialist training.

Becoming An NDIS Approved Cleaner For Businesses

The process of registering your business to be NDIS approved can be both complex and time-consuming. Though the registration process can roughly be broken down into four steps, each step may have a series of further requirements depending on the area and scope of your business.

Very simply, these steps can be broken down to be:

  • Confirming your eligibility
  • Filling in the application
  • Undergoing auditing by an approved auditor
  • Awaiting assessment

This will involve making sure that your business meets the NDIS Commission’s requirements and responsibilities, and that your application has been filled out correctly.  Failure to meet the NDIS Commission’s requirements and responsibilities, or an incorrect application could mean the rejection of your application.

Once your application has been approved, you will still need to comply with the requirements and responsibilities as outlined by the NDIS to ensure that you maintain your registration.

At PROVIDERplus, one of our expert consultants can help simplify the process of registering your business to become an NDIS provider.

Our consultants will walk you through the whole process, ensuring that your business meets all the NDIS requirements and that your application is filled out correctly. We also provide ongoing support once you have been approved, meaning that you maintain your registration and provide the absolute best care you can.

Becoming An NDIS Cleaner For Individuals

Though there are no specific qualifications required to work as a cleaner, you must still demonstrate the appropriate knowledge in the field and possess the relevant experience and understanding of working with people with a disability. You may also need to undertake an e-learning training module, as outlined by the NDIS Commission, called “Quality, Safety, and You”, as well as understand and abide by the NDIS Commission’s code of conduct.

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