Man helping boy out of wheelchair
Provider Growth

Dos and Don'ts in Marketing Yourself as an NDIS Provider

November 6, 2018


Marketing is all about getting you, or your organisation, to reach the right audience. You may have the best services or products; the best value for money or even the best customer care staff; however, all that doesn't matter if no one else knows about it.

Whether you are an established NDIS provider looking to expand your customer base; or a new provider, fresh in the marketplace and looking to set roots, you need to respect the concept of marketing. Not to be confused with sales, marketing incorporates research, advertising and customer service to grow a business. The next section explains the most important Do's and Don'ts for NDIS providers.

Marketing Dos and Don'ts for Providers

DO: Make NDIS Participants' Needs a Top Priority

Without the NDIS participants, you have no business. Shift your mindset to be more customer-oriented. Start thinking, about how your organisation's services and products can benefit your customer base. Engage them in these matters. Make the necessary changes to your services and products to meet their needs. That is how you begin to create brand loyalty.

DO: Implement a Comprehensive Social Media Approach

According to 2018 statistics by Social Media News Australia, more than 8 in 10 Australians use some form of social media platform on a daily basis. It is regarded as one of the best (if not the best) ways to reach any market. Create a social media department within your organisation whose main purpose will be engagement, scheduling and reporting to the potential market base. Consider investing in social media management systems.

DO: Seek New Revenue Stream (Classes of Supports)

A general rule of thumb in business is that it is much easier to earn a small percentage of multiple revenue areas than it is t single-handedly dominate one revenue area. From an NDIS provider business standpoint, you are better off if you register to provide different categories of support, in line with NDIS requirements, as compared to just serving one category of support. Diversification spreads risks and helps your organisation gain traction.

DON'T: Discount the Value of Free

Sometimes, the most impactful forms of marketing are free of charge. A good example is word of mouth - especially from an existing or former client. A simple referral can help grow your provider business to new heights. Look into other free forms of marketing and shed the notion that free means no value.

DON'T: Send Out Mixed Messages

The worst thing you can do to your provider business is confusing your target audience through mixed messaging. That is a recipe for brand collapse. If you organisation is running campaigns across multiple social media platforms and other media, make sure that the message is simple and uniform across board.

DON'T: Ignore Feedback

Going back to the first point in this section, the main purpose of your business is your customer. Create a culture of always engaging your clients and regularly asking for their feedback. Once you get the feedback, act on it and make the necessary changes. This way, you are showing your clients that their concerns matter to you.

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