NDIS Guides

Using the NDIS Price Guide to Determine Billing Rates for Services

June 30, 2020

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides funding for many services that people with a disability need to live reasonably independently and well. In doing so, it improves participants’ lives while offering opportunities for service providers by defining what can be supplied under the scheme and setting out the appropriate rates of pay.

Every NDIS participant’s needs are unique and so their service requirements are also different and a specific plan has to be devised.

Updating and issuing the NDIS Price Guide

The NDIS Price Guide is updated annually and is released in June with the revised prices coming into effect from July 1. The new prices and price limits are generally updated to reflect changes in costs and market trends, while participant’s plan funds are also updated in line with indexation at the same time. This means that participants are fully funded for the new prices so support and services can be continued without change or interruption.The aim of the Price Guide is to be clear and transparent so that all information is available in the one document and can be found easily. To help in this aim, a support catalogue is provided at the same time.Each issue of the Price Guide will provide new pricing details to cover significant initiatives that are being introduced. For the 2020-21 version, these include new individualised living options and support to increase employment opportunities for participants. Also included are temporary changes in response to the COVID-19 situation, so that additional support can be provided to those affected by it.

Using the latest Price Guide

The price guide sets the latest rates for varying types of service, plus price limits to ensure that value for money is provided to all participants. The guide is available to both participants and providers so each is aware of the rates and limits that apply for every qualifying service or support.

There are more than 2500 priced items on the Price Guide, so it’s a large and complex document. It may take some time and effort to find all you need to get your charging right. The full guide, in fact, is available in several documents that can be downloaded from the NDIS website [here] and you’ll need to search through it manually to find what you want.

To help you, the different services are listed by category, so you’ll first need to find the service group you’re involved with and then identify the actual service or support to obtain the appropriate hourly rate.

You can also see the price limit that is set, so you’re able to establish the maximum amount you can charge each time. In addition, specified amounts are listed for costs involved (for example travel time), that you’re able to claim.

NDIS financial support is available for all sorts of services. Including gardening, cleaning and other ancillary services, as well as direct support such as physiotherapy. In order to claim for services from the NDIS or the participant, however, you need to identify the allowed charges and establish your claim accurately.

Alongside the pricing, the NDIS establishes rules and guidelines to ensure you run your business properly. At PROVIDERplus, we can assist you to meet those guidelines, become a registered provider and ensure you’re charging for your services correctly. This results in being paid promptly for the services you supply.

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