NDIS Registration Services Provider+
NDIS Guides

How To Get NDIS Certification In Melbourne

June 21, 2022

At Provider+, we realise that understanding and meeting the NDIS certification requirements can be confusing. Our experienced consultants will clearly explain how to get an NDIS certification in Melbourne by walking you through the whole process.

When you are ready to make your NDIS provider application, ensure that obtaining your NDIS certification in Melbourne is simple and easy. Our consultants will make certain that you understand what your organisation needs to be compliant with the NDIS Practice Standards. We can also help you achieve compliance in areas where you don’t meet the requirements.

At Provider+, we believe that your success is our success. This is why we do everything in our power to help you succeed. By giving you the tools and support you need to be successful in your NDIS certification audit, we have confidence that together, we can help provide support and services that promote control, choice, and dignity.

What Is An NDIS Certification Audit?

To be registered as an NDIS provider, you will have to pass an NDIS certification or verification audit. If your organisation wishes to register with the NDIS to provide more complex or higher risk support services, you will need to undergo an NDIS certification audit.

An NDIS certification audit makes sure that your organisation can provide an adequate level of support and care as dictated by the quality specifications outlined by the NDIS Practice Standards. They assess your organisation against the core module and any supplementary module which may fall under or be relevant to the type of support you wish to deliver.

The core module assessment covers your organisation’s:

  • Governance and operational management
  • Delivery of support
  • Risk management
  • Ability to uphold the rights of participants and the responsibilities of providers

Supplementary modules cover:

  • Specialist disability accommodation.
  • Early childhood supports
  • High intensity daily personal activities
  • Specialist behaviour support, including implementing behaviour support plans
  • Specialised support coordination

An NDIS certification audit can only be undertaken by an independent third-party auditor. This auditor must be approved and certified by a JAS-ANZ certification body. 

What Happens During An NDIS Certification Audit?

Unlike the relatively simple ‘verification’ audit, an NDIS certification audit is a far more thorough process with multiple stages and may take many months to complete.

There are usually two core stages in an NDIS certification audit:

  • Document review: where an auditor goes through your documentation and highlights any areas of concern or failures. At this stage, any concerns or failures may be addressed before stage two.
  • On-site – review: where the auditor examines the environment where the services will take place, and assess for any potential failures.

The auditing body will also conduct interviews with both clients and employees to get a full picture of how the organisation operates. After this, you will receive a report detailing how well you have met the NDIS certification requirements.

How Much Does An NDIS Certification Cost?

Estimating how much an NDIS certification will cost can be a complex issue. The total cost of the audit will ultimately depend on the size and scope of your organisation, as well as and type of support that you wish to offer.

Another factor that may affect the cost of your NDIS certification audit is which auditing body you end up employing. Different auditing companies charge different rates, and this can drastically affect the final cost of your audit.

The NDIS Commission does not control the price for audits, so it is often a great idea to approach multiple vendors and get multiple quotes.

How Is An NDIS Certification Audit Assessed?

An NDIS certification audit is not assessed in terms of “passing” or “failing”. Instead, your auditor will assess your organisation based on “major or minor non-conformities”. This assessment is based on factors that include:

  • Compliance with the NDIS Practice standard
  • Clear identification of registration class
  • The findings based on your documentation
  • A self-assessment completed on the NDIS portal
  • Other additional requirements

These factors are then rated on a scale of 0 to 3. A rating of 0 indicates a major non-conformity, which means that there is urgent work needed in that area. A rating of 3 indicates that your organisation displays conformity to best practices and beyond.

A basic breakdown of the rating system:

  • 0 (major non-conformity): The provider has not demonstrated appropriate preparation, implementation of policies and procedures, or quality assurance. Verification or certification is not recommended.
  • 1 (minor non-conformity): The provider has evidence of correct implementation of policy and procedure, but has not supplied appropriate documentation. Important but non-urgent action is required.
  • 2 (conformity): The provider can clearly prove the correct implementation of policy, procedure and documentation. Verification or certification is recommended.
  • 3 (conformity with elements of best practice): The provider had gone beyond the minimum requirements and is providing service in line with best practices.

Getting NDIS Certification In Melbourne - FAQs

Do I need to get an NDIS Certification audit?

You are only required to undergo an NDIS certification audit if your organisation wishes to register with the NDIS Commission to provide complex or higher risk support or services. If you only wish to provide lower risk support or services, you will only need to undergo a verification audit.

Is an NDIS certification audit mandatory?

Yes, it is mandatory for organisations wishing to register with the NDIS Commission to provide complex or higher risk services and support to undergo an NDIS certification audit. Failure to comply could mean your application will be rejected, or deregistration from the NDIS.

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