NDIS Compliance

Understanding the NDIS Commissioner’s Core Supports for Providers

January 31, 2019

The NDIS Commissioner's core supports are the standard requirements set out by the NDIS Commission in order for a provider to be qualified for NDIS registration.

These consist of the outcomes and responsibilities for NDIS providers and are detailed within the core module of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Practice Standards.

The core supports apply to all registered and registering NDIS providers, who must meet the NDIS Practice Standards covered by the core module. It covers:

  • rights and responsibility for participants
  • governance and operational management
  • the provision of supports, and
  • the support provision environment

So, what are the NDIS Commission requirements that NDIS providers need to meet when registering to provide supports and services? Here's a quick overview of what's covered in the core module.

1. Rights and Responsibilities

The core requirements here pertain to the individual rights of participants, including their rights to:

- freedom of expression, self-determination and decision-making,

- values and beliefs,

- privacy and dignity, and

- independence and informed choice.

They include outcomes of non-discriminatory treatment that you're expected to meet or exceed when providing supports and services in your everyday practice.

For example, as a provider, you are to ensure that participants clearly understand the information communicated to them. You are also to incorporate supports that help participants make informed choices while respecting their rights, values and independence.

2. Provider Governance and Operational Management

Does each participant know how to give feedback or make a complaint? How are incidents handled by the provider?

The criteria in this core support focus on compliance with the Practice Standards relating to the operation of an NDIS business. It aims to ensure that businesses have a robust system in place so as to be able to deliver quality care and minimise risks to participants.

The outcomes of this support encompass all aspects of your governance and management systems and cover:

- risk management,

- quality management,

- information management,

- feedback and complaints management,

- incident management,

- human resource management, and

- continuity of supports.

Your management system should be proportionate to the size and scale of your organisation and the complexity of supports you provide.

3. Provision of Supports

What are the responsibilities of providers when providing supports to participants?

The NDIS Practice Standards divide these into two broad areas. The first relates to how supports are planned, delivered and assessed by participants. The second relates to the environment in which supports are provided.

The first area of responsibilities when providing supports covers:

- access to supports,

- support planning,

- service agreements with participants,

- responsive support provision, and

- transitions to or from the provider.

For example, the NDIS provider must be able to demonstrate that participants have access to the most appropriate supports that meet their needs and that they are actively involved in the development of their support plans.

4. Support Provision Environment

The second area of responsibilities deals with the environment in which support is provided to participants. It details the outcomes pertaining to:

- a safe environment,

- participant's money and property,

- the management of medication, and

- the management of waste.

These ensure that participants are able to access supports in a safe and secure environment at all times. For example, one criterion is that each participant is able to easily identify workers they engage with. When it comes to their money and property, these must be protected and used only with their consent.

All NDIS providers must implement the commissioner's core supports in their everyday practice in order to remain registered or to register under the NDIS.

More information on what your obligations are as a registered provider can be found on the NDIS Commissioner's website.

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