NDIS Compliance

What is a Stage 2 Audit in the NDIS Registration Process?

February 10, 2019

The Stage 1 and Stage 2 Audits form part of the assessments against the NDIS Practice Standards that NDIS providers have to undertake when they renew or register under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The scope and complexity of supports you deliver, the size of your organisation and your registration groups will determine if a certification or verification [type audit is performed. More about that here] .

The Stage 2 Audit is a follow-up of the Stage 1 Audit once the NDIS Commission has determined your suitability based on the audit outcomes. You can read about the Stage 1 Audit here.

Here's an overview of what the Stage 2 Audit is about and what to expect as your organisation undertakes the certification audit.

When is the Stage 2 Audit carried out?

After the NDIS Commission has determined your readiness for certification based on the audit outcomes of your Stage 1 Audit, your organisation must now prepare for the next stage audit in the registration process.

The Stage 2 Audit is conducted within three months of the Stage 1 Audit and at least one week after.

What can I expect at the Stage 2 Audit?

The Stage 2 Audit is carried out on-site for organisations and body corporates undergoing assessments under a certification audit. NDIS providers identified for a verification assessment generally undertake an off-site "desk-top audit".

The objectives of the Stage 2 Audit are to confirm that your organisation is adhering to its policies and procedures as well as conforming with all the requirements of the NDIS Practice Standards.

In most cases, the audit will be carried out by two approved quality auditors who may be on-site for up to 4 hours. They will be reviewing client files, staff files and interviewing staff and participants.

The auditor seeks to verify that appropriate policies and procedures are in place and are being implemented into your business.

If you're a new business with no participants or staff, you'll have 12 months to undertake an audit for Stage 2 certification.

What happens after the Certification Audit?

Unless there are non-conformances that need to be closed, the auditor will proceed to make a recommendation for certification to the NDIS Commission. The NDIS Commission will use the certificate to make a registration decision at its own discretion.

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