NDIS Compliance

What is a Stage 1 Audit in the NDIS Registration Process?

February 10, 2019

The Stage 1 and Stage 2 Audits form part of the assessments against the NDIS Practice Standards that NDIS providers have to undertake when they renew or register under the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

The scope and complexity of supports you deliver, the size of your organisation and your registration groups will determine if a certification or verification type audit is performed. More about that here.

For now, let's look at what the Stage 1 Audit is about and what to expect when it's time for the initial audit.

When do I have to undertake the Stage 1 Audit?

The Stage 1 Audit must be undertaken after you've received an initial scope of audit document. The scope of the audit is determined by the NDIS Commission based on the information you provided in your application.

The initial scope of audit document will assist you in selecting an approved quality auditor to assess the relevant modules against the NDIS Practice Standards. These will be the outcomes your organisation need to provide evidence for.

What can I expect at the Stage 1 Audit?

The Stage 1 or initial audit is carried out to determine your readiness for certification. The system documentation required for the relevant modules and which you'll need to provide will be reviewed and assessed by the qualified auditor.

You should ensure that your organisation's system documentation, such as policy manuals and procedures, and other supporting documents are well prepared and updated.

Stage 1 Audit is usually conducted off-site. This is also known as a desk-top audit.

What happens after the Initial Audit?

Once the audit is complete, the audit outcomes will be sent to the NDIS Commission. This will be used to assess your organisation's suitability.

You will receive a written report which outlines your readiness for the Stage 2 Certification Audit. This will include any areas of improvement needed before your next audit.

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