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Training and Workforce Development

Hiring the Right People in the Right Place at the Right Time

November 8, 2018


As a business leader, there is nothing more important than hiring the right people for the right job and at the right time. If you want to realise real business value for your provider organisation, you need to have the right people, in the right place at the right time. Make sure that your employees are well equipped to meet the shifting needs of the NDIS marketplace and your organisation as a whole. As such, hiring must be done thoughtfully and carefully. You need to make sure the people who join your team are a good fit for you and that you are a good fit for them. This is the only way that you and your staff members can unlock your full potential.

Tips to Hiring Right

Steadiness Is Important

What does steadiness mean? Well, you have probably heard the phrase, hire slow, fire fast. This could be a smart strategy in running an NDIS provider business. Before you decide to hire, make sure that you are well aware of what exactly your organisation needs. The worst thing you can do in such a situation is to let the urgency of impending work drive your hiring process. This will almost certainly lead to poor decision making.

Adopt and Encourage Flexibility

Flexibility begins at the top of the organisation. You have to be flexible to changing market trends. This should also be a policy when hiring. Look for candidates who have a flexible approach to different situations. In the NDIS marketplace, a lot can happen in a short span of time and your organisation should be in a position to adapt with grace and agility.

Is Your New Employee Blending In Well?

Another important aspect to consider when you are looking to fill a position is to determine whether the candidate fits in well with the company culture. At the end of the day, you want a team with chemistry; people who actually enjoy working with each other and respect their colleagues. This will, no doubt, help your organisation serve NDIS participants well and achieve more. Design the interview process in a way that allows the candidates to interact with members of your team while assessing how they can fit in.

View Hiring As an Investment

Hiring for a new position comes with extra costs for salary, equipment and in some cases, boarding costs. Any shrewd NDIS provider will understand that this is an investment on their part. As such, it is important that whoever you select for the position is someone with great potential and will add value to your business; someone who is teachable, adapts fast and is, of course, qualified.

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