Regulatory Updates and Industry News

Introducing new 'COVID normal' support measures

March 10, 2021

It's now been a year since COVID-19 started to impact all of our lives. Throughout 2020, measures were brought in to help the community pass through the pandemic. As we progress through 2021, the NDIA have evaluated some changes for a new 'COVID normal'.

On 1 March, 2021 the NDIS Price Guide, Support Catalogue and website was updated to include some of the following 'COVID normal changes, these included:

Low cost assistive technology (AT) will remain in place. This means:

  • Participant access to low cast AT will continue and be monitored as participants and providers adapt to COVID normal.
  • All low cost AT purchases should be made in consultation with a participant’s existing provider.

Personal protective equipment (PPE) for support workers will be extended until 31 March 2021 with a reduced price limit:
  • In areas where a state or territory public health order requires PPE for workers delivering disability supports, providers can claim the cost of support worker PPE against the participant’s plan until 31 March 2021.
  • At this time, Victoria is the only state in Australia with this requirement.
  • Providers in restricted areas who deliver essential services in certain Assistance with Daily Life support categories can claim PPE against a participant’s plan for up to $27 per worker, per participant, per day, for supports delivered in person.
  • Providers and participants should discuss and agree to any proposed price changes before updating service bookings.
  • The PPE price limit reduction from $50 to $27 per participant, per worker, per day reflects current market pricing and use of disposable masks rather than N95 masks.
  • Participants in restricted areas who receive 1 hour a day or more of face-to-face daily living support, can claim up to $50 per week for PPE from their consumables budget, disability-related health consumables – low cost support item.

Clinical support for supported independent living (SIL) providers has been extended until 30 June 2021
  • The provision of a clinical first responder service for SIL providers has been extended nationally until 30 June 2021.

Support coordination temporary line items ended on 28 February 2021
  • The temporary line items for support coordination in Core – Assistance with Daily Life, ended on 28 February 2021.
  • Support coordination will still be available for all participants who have a reasonable and necessary need for it, from their Capacity Building budget.

National workforce supply service ended on 14 February 2021
  • This service was available from 20 November 2020 to 14 February 2021.

Cleaning and higher intensity supports for participants has been extended until 30 June 2021
  • COVID-19 positive participants living in SIL arrangements can access cleaning services and higher intensity support. These supports are also available to participants living in SIL who are required to self-isolate or quarantine.
  • If a participant has a support worker attending their home who later tests positive to COVID-19, the participant can access a one-off deep clean.

To find more details about these changes visit The NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue or visit the SIL and Low cost AT pages of the NDIS website.

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